Friday, December 7, 2012

How To Target Money Keywords The Right Way

There is no denying that SEO is huge. Forget about paid traffic, in my opinion, ranking organically for certain words and phrases gives you the best ROI. Not that there isn't a place for paid traffic, but getting it to convert well and profitably can take just as much work and effort as ranking organically in the search engines. The big question is "how do I pick words that generate traffic and convert to sales?" The three steps outlined below will get you targeted daily traffic and sales if you do it right.

Search for words with high amounts of traffic

It goes without saying that without traffic there will be no sales, but conversely, you can generate high amounts of untargeted traffic and stumble upon a few sales. Here is how to pick the right keywords with high amounts of traffic.

Use the Google keyword tool to do a general search on a term. Google will generate related keywords below your search term along with a monthly search volume for each related keyword. Needless to say, the higher the search volume the better the keyword. I will usually narrow down my keywords to those that get at least 3,000 searches per month. Any less and it may not be worth the effort.

In total I will look for at least 2-3 keywords that generate at least 3,000 global monthly searches. This will ensure that I get targeted traffic to my site on a daily basis.

Do a bit more research for low competition

Unfortunately, just finding a keyword with high amounts of traffic is not enough. We also have to assess the level of competition. Google determines each page's value by assigning a page rank which is measured on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the highest value. As part of your search for finding a money keyword, you will want to select the jackpot keywords with high amounts of traffic and low levels of competition.

Google not only supplies the total monthly searches, but in the adjacent column they also provide a guideline for the level of competition. In my experience, this is a skewed value and not very reliable for measuring the true competition I will be facing. In this case I use a free web browser tool for Firefox called SEO Quake which can be found at

How do I use SEO Quake? This tool gives me a better, microscopic picture of the strength of my competition. It will list the page rank for each site, which is something Google AdWords does not do. I will take the average page rank of the first 10 listings and see if I have a chance of getting first page rankings. If the average is above a 3, I will move on and search for a different word or phrase. If the average page rank is below a 3 I will go for it, and anything under a 2 will give you a huge opportunity for you to get ranked on the first page within a short period of time. The lower the average page rank, the faster I jump on it!

High AdWords value

We have already done the bulk of the work by performing the first two steps, but just to make sure, we will go one step further. Google provides a Cost Per Click value which can give us insight into the monetary value of the word. This is icing on the cake, and definitely something I take into consideration when picking a keyword.

Essentially, AdWords is a marketplace where people bid on values of keywords. As an example, "buy an iPad" will have a greater value than "iPad weight". This is because advertisers generate more money from "buy an iPad" and are willing to pay more to get a visitor to their site.

The same principle applies to your keywords - the greater the CPC value, the more revenue you can expect to generate. Targeting the highest priced keywords is not always the smartest move, though. To get the best value, you will want to multiply the total monthly searches by its CPC value. This will give you an overall value of the word. You will find that sometimes words with a lower CPC value will get you more monthly revenue simply because it gets more monthly searches.

Use these three simple steps to pick your money keywords and you will see how effectively it works. Simply rinse and repeat and you can have multiple sites generating free traffic and revenue for years to come. Whether your strategy is article marketing, Facebook marketing or SEO, any successful marketer will tell you that the key to your success is implementing your new found knowledge.

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Steps To Do Keyword Research   Three Key Questions Before Starting Your Social Media Campaigns   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   

Website Marketing Strategies to Aid Company Success

The development of strategies represents a business fundamental to aid a company in finding real success in the highly competitive business environment. Without the use of a strategy a company lacks direction when it comes to various elements such as website development, marketing generation and long term success. If your company is seeking new direction or looking to get a start in the online marketplace, take advantage of the following website marketing strategies to aid company success.

First Strategy: Finding a Balance Between Business and Attraction

The first strategy related to running a successful online business is seen with the development of your website. There are too many companies looking to embrace low cost website templates in order to create another generic website adding to the thousands which already exist. The key to a successful website is to create a unique design which supports efforts in consumer attraction without overwhelming a client so much that they lose track of the purpose behind the website. Developing a website marketing strategy in website development if vital since it creates the foundation on which your business is built.

Second Strategy: Implementing the Use of Keywords

Along with elements of design which are important to the development of your website, another factor to consider is seen with the website marketing strategies of search engine optimization. The success of SEO marketing centralizes around the ideas of keywords and your ability to properly distribute them into various elements such as website text, advertisements, blogs, social networks and other forms of media your business utilizes. This can often be a difficult goal to accomplish on your own so the use of a marketing professional is highly recommended in order to meet your marketing goals in the most time efficient manner possible.

Third Strategy: Building Reputable Links

The third website marketing strategy a company should look to take advantage of is seen with the development of reputable links. Similar to the impact keywords have on resources such as search engine optimization, the use of reputable link development can improve website recognition in search engines. Additionally, the creation of these links will help to establish other resources of opportunity where consumers will be able to find your business through popular websites, social networks, or local resources. The development of these links is vital when it comes to creating a strong recognition for a developing website or a site which is being generated. Keep in mind linking to harmful websites can harm the recognition of your business so make sure to build links with strong websites.

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   Keyword Article Marketing 101   

Google Rel=Author Markup: Why Your Picture Needs To Be In The Search Results

Chances are you've come across a search result with the author's name and photo next to their search listing. Users tend to gravitate towards these results as they stand out on the crowded page. Yet few businesses have taken advantage of this feature. The internet is saturated with content similar to yours and having your author information appear is a simple (and free) way to add prominence and credibility to your search listing. According to a recent article by Search Engine Land, only 1 in every 5 Google searches shows Rel=Author (a.k.a. author markup) in the top 100 results, so it's the perfect time to jump on board before your competitors do.

Author markups enable the author of the webpage to link their content to their Google+ profile page (which has to link back to the site for 2 way verification). Doing so shows a rich snippet of their Google+ profile (your image, name and link back to the profile) next to their webpage in the Google search results. Be warned, however, I have seen some instances where Google hasn't accepted someone to participate in this relatively new experiment, but the benefits far outweigh this possibility.

What Benefit Does Author Markup Offer My Business?

In case I haven't sold you enough on the idea, according a recent study on the impact of rich snippet markups on traffic, the number of clicks increased by 150% once the rich snippet was added.

Let's take a closer look at why click-through rates increased dramatically. Author markups:

Highlight your listing. For free, I might add. It now stands out from the 4 out of 5 results that don't have an author markup attached. Anyone can see it. Even users who aren't logged into their Google accounts or their social media accounts will still see the rich author info and photo. Provides credibility. Info for rich snippets is taken from a verified Google+ profile. Increased exposure. Your name is hyperlinked with your Google+ profile URL so if people like your article they can easily visit your profile.

Author Markup And SEO Benefits

Cutts previously featured in a Google Webmaster video discussing the introduction of author markup. In this video, his colleague Othar Hansson alludes to author markup having SEO benefits. "It's early days, we hope to use this information, and any information as a ranking signal. We want to get information on credibility of authors from all kinds of sources to use as ranking signals," Hansson says.

Now SEO professionals are speculating about Author Rank; the idea of assigning a higher level of trust and authority to content created by verified authors. In other words, the better the content is, the more trusted the author becomes and the more trusted their future content becomes.

While the SEO benefits have been widely debated, it does make sense. Who seems more trustworthy? Content created by verified authors who have created previous quality content over less reputable writers appearing in the search results? Google is aiming for an SEO-less world where content ranks based on its quality, rather than how well optimized it is. Associating a verified and trustworthy author to content and having it as one of the ranking signals will help Google determine quality content. The best SEO software in the world can't give you this kind of exposure on the search engines!

How Do You Implement Author Markup?

It's a little daunting when you're not an SEO professional but it's a lot simpler than you think. Basically, you just need to link your Google+ profile to your blog (which has to link back to the site for 2 way verification). Follow Google's instructions on author markup listed here and reference step 1 and 2 below for further clarification for Google's instructions on verifying your email address and how to find the "Contributor to" section on Google+.

If you encounter any problems, try following all the instructions I've detailed below:

Step 1. Create a Google profile or a Google+ account

Use an email address with the same domain as your blog and verify the account using the email they send to you after you sign up. Once you view your profile, under the heading "Work" you can add your email address and you will see a grey circle with a tick next to it to show it has been verified.

How To Implement The Google Rel=Author Markup

Supposedly as long as you post on the same domain as your email, and the posts have the same byline as the name on your Google+ account, this is sufficient for Google to link your articles to this account. But just to be safe, I wouldn't stop at this step.

Step 2. Link your Google+ profile (through the "Contributor to" section) to your blog

What Is The Google Rel=Author Markup

On the right hand side panel, click on "Profile".

Click on "Edit Profile" just on top of your cover photo.

Scroll down the page and find "Contributor to" links.

Click on these words to open the edit box.

Now just enter in your blog URL.

Step 3. Link your blog to your Google+ profile

In each article page, there needs to be some reference to the post's author in order for this to work. Placing this link in your "About me" or author bio is best. I could include a paragraph in my bio page requesting readers "Visit me on my Google+ Profile for more Google+ tips and tricks" with "Google+ Profile" pointing to this your Google+ profile URL. Here is the general code:

<a rel="me" target="_blank" href="[Your Google+ Profile URL]">[description of what the link points to]</a>

4. Link your individual content to your Google+ profile.

Now that its implemented, when you write an article, simply link your name in your byline (your hyperlinked name that appears under the article title) or author box (often at the bottom of the page with info about the author) to your blog author page with the

Rel=Author code.

Here is the general code:

<a rel="author" href="[Author page URL]">[Name]</a>

Tip: If you use WordPress, there are plugins, such as Author Box Reloaded, that will add the markup for you automatically. They will also add your image and icons to all the social networks.

5. Test this connection

Google provides a testing tool to verify your author markup and simulate what your webpage would look like in the search results. But be warned that this tool can indicate false errors.

There you have it. Now go and link your old blog posts to your Google+ profile. While this has been clearly implemented for Google's own self interest (forcing you to use their social network) author markup provides anyone who creates online content, particularly small businesses to get their content to stand out.

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   Steps To Do Keyword Research   

Small Business Search Engine Optimization

As a small business owner, it'll be important to understand that although you are extremely intelligent at what it is you do, it'll be very hard to know everything there is to know about small business search engine optimization. Now of course, there are some areas where you can help a great deal - such as understanding specific keywords and keyword phrases that would lead to your products and services, as well as understanding how individuals are searching for your products and services. But even this much understanding about what you do will take a tremendous amount of skill, time, and knowledge on your part. This is the reason it is so important to hire a search engine optimization (SEO) service provider to handle the optimization requirements for your web presence.

Small business search engine optimization services will be all-inclusive. From optimizing your web presence to understanding how people are using search terms in order to find your products and services. These are all important processes; however, there are a lot of different techniques and methods that will need to be utilized in this entire process. As a small business owner, it will be very difficult for you to take time away from your responsibilities in order to learn every single aspect that will need to be known in order to effectively perform the services and to realize results. SEO service providers are trained on every single aspect that deals with optimization.

They have the ability to look at your web presence, make adjustments where necessary, do the market research, create content, distribute this content, and get your web presence indexed in a way that drives targeted relevant traffic back to your website. Once this process has been completed, everything will typically run on autopilot allowing visitors to find your web presence on a 24/7 basis. Now, it's also important to realize that this process will need to be performed on a consistent basis. Once it has been set up, it will need to be maintained in order to continue to maximize on the results.

In other words, just because your website has been optimized initially, you will still need to make adjustments and improve your content because your competition is also trying to compete for the same keywords as well as the same customers. So, when it comes to small business search engine optimization, it's important to realize right off the bat that if you are not qualified in every aspect of optimization, it'll be important to hire service providers that can handle the entire process for you.

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   Keyword Article Marketing 101   

A New Horizon In The World Of Internet - The SCHEMA

Search engines have become an inseparable part of a person's web experience in today's world. They serve as the most easily accessible hubs for people who seek information about any miscellaneous subject. However, this has created a challenging environment for search engine operators to meet the dynamic demands of the users. They have to update and innovate their methodologies vigorously.

In this ever-changing environment, Schema has recently stepped in as a milestone service for search engines determined on providing its internet users with enriched and optimized results. Based on enhancing the quality of customer experience, Schema employs a variety of smart data collection, analysis and optimization techniques to make sure an exact, precise and structured view of information to customers. Along that, Schema helps search engines to organize their data in an effective manner, enabling them to resolve any problems faced by the customer during the web search.

Google, being the leading search engine in the web industry today; has already implemented Schema to its service provision. By introducing Schema to their operations, Google has opened its doors to more than 100 new types of mark up. This increase in diversity has helped Google search results to become more comprehensive and proficient.

Google has always aimed to develop its snippets into increasingly useful formats and Schema has added on to this enrichment. This practice has resulted in customers enjoying the facility of viewing a well structured piece of search result. It also helps them to choose their requirement more appropriately.

Schema also implies a single use of data form i.e. microdata to all of the search results in Google, making the results become more consistent and compatible. Microdata ensure that the results are sufficiently extensive and relatively uncomplicated at the same time. Therefore, the chance that a customer gets satisfied with the search result is now fairly possible to a great extent.

To make sure that Google successfully implements the Schema so that it would be able to display a websites mark up appropriately, it has facilitated the web page owners with rich snippets testing tool. This tool gives a preview of how a markup would be displayed as a search result; hence it removes the possibilities of any complexities expected to emerge during the experience

Along with Google, other search engines like Yahoo and Bing have also implemented Schema to their systems. This coordination benefits the search engine industry in a holistic manner, establishing a well-defined standard to the web community. Also, it becomes easier for websites to add markups as all three engines demands for a data in a similar format.

Schema surely has made Google search findings more innovative and customer friendly. This new trend has given Google search results a new multi-dimensional outlook, and as a result, the attractiveness of Google search results has reached new levels. In all, Schema is another smart move by Google, to sustain its position as the favorite search engine of the web customers.

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Steps To Do Keyword Research   Three Key Questions Before Starting Your Social Media Campaigns   

Content Writing Training - A New Dimension in Writing

Have you ever thought of taking up writing as a career? Is writing your passion? If yes, then content writing training can prove to be a viable career option for you, where you can enjoy doing what you love and get paid, for following your passion. With more and more people looking for information over the internet, and people preferring to shop online, many companies and websites are always on the hunt for creative people who can provide that information to the readers and convince them to buy their products.

With a stiff competition on the Internet between companies trying to outwit each other, the demand for content writer courses is on the rise. It's quite clear from the fact that salaries for content writers have shot to a whopping 200 percent since 2008. Also, content writing has attracted professionals from different backgrounds all over the world to become full-time writers.

A concrete content writing training can help you hone your skills and get ready for an exciting career as a content writer, where you get to learn the intricacies Of the web copywriting industry and reap the benefits of being a content writer...

Worldwide community- Work without boundaries

Being a content writer introduces you to a whole new concept of working without boundaries, where you can interact with your clients, meet customers and grab jobs without moving an inch. Which other profession would allow you to do that? Imagine taking care of the content needs of a client sitting in America, right from the comfort of your home. Opt for a content writing training that works!

Get exposed to knowledge

Since content writers spend a whole lot of time researching and reading up on the topics that they cover, it means that they get to learn something new every day. So, if you are one of those people who believe that life is all about new experiences, then come aboard.

Work from wherever you feel like

Now you don't have to sit in a boring cubicle in your office and work, because content writing training gives you the freedom to work from wherever you feel like working, as a content writer. Now you can work from the comfort of your home or even while traveling... Now that's what a fun day at work is supposed to mean, isn't it?

Make time for life

Being a content writer, you don't need to slob it up in a 9-to-5 job. You can work independently, giving you enough time for your friends, family and the other important stuff in your life.

The importance of an effective content writing training is growing for more and more companies online, trying to target visitors and convert them to paying customers, they need people who can write convincingly and creatively to help them achieve their goals. So, if you think that you have what it takes. Then don't wait any longer and join the bandwagon an exciting career awaits you...

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   Keyword Article Marketing 101   

Search Engine Marketing - Making People Visit Your Website

After years of research, it has been established that search engine marketing or SEM is the most viable method of marketing for most businesses. It is also often called inbound marketing. What you do is make people visit your website, rather than sending them emails or phoning them to sell your products. It means that you are not forcing your products onto people and making them uncomfortable.

How it works

When people want to purchase something or want some kind of service, they go to search engines and enter keywords. These keywords are what your website should be optimized with. For this to work, you can hire a good search engine marketing company that has experience with businesses of your size. You can also learn SEM yourself, but it takes significant investment of time.

When people search on the internet, you want them to find your website first, which mean that you should be high on search engine ranking pages. There are a number of techniques to achieve this such as pay per click campaigns. You can also choose sponsored ads. Initially, search engine marketing was considered to be a fairly simple way of advertising.

However, the number of websites started growing and there was a lot of overcrowding. This has made the process a lot more complicated. You now need to compete with thousands of business that sell essentially the same thing as you do. This doesn't' mean that you cannot do SEM for results, but only that you need to be clever with your strategy.

Earlier, you only had to worry about how search engines ranked your own website. Today however, there are other aspects of marketing that you need to focus on. For example, social marketing or SMM is a vital part of SEM. You don't just need to spruce up your presence on Google, Yahoo or Bing, but also on social networking websites, which number in the dozens.

SMM involves targeting users of prominent social networks. They include Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn and a host of other sites. They also include social bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon. It can get very confusing to handle all these websites on your own. This is why it is wise to choose a specialist search engine marketing company for the job.

Although SEM is very complicated, the convenient thing about it is that you can track results in a much easier way. For instance, if you have a Google AdWords account for SEM on your website, it will show you exactly what keywords are more popular with users for a given period of time. You can then use this information to modify or add content on your website that matches these keywords or phrases.

Because of complicated regulations that have been put into place for search engine marketing, a professional firm that exclusively deals in helping businesses with their marketing is what you need. Once you get a good idea of how SEM works, you may be able to automate some of the processes and reap benefits.

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Three Key Questions Before Starting Your Social Media Campaigns   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   

Using Keywords With Google AdWords

The whole point to Google AdWords is the keyword phrases used. This is what will either spell success or failure for the advertiser and is why so much weight is placed on keyword selection. Keywords are ranked by popularity and this is determined by how often they are used by people conducting searches on the Google search engine.

The keywords can then be bid for by advertisers wishing to use them in their ads. The highest bidder is often ranked higher on search pages but this is not always the case. Google recognizes relevance in ads as well so if your ad is more relevant than that of the highest bidder for a keyword selection, then your ad will rank higher in the search results.

Keeping this in mind, you can use your money and keyword selection to your benefit where you don't end up over spending in an attempt to get the highest bid but simply spend smartly so that your ads are improved in quality and relevance according to Google. This is what will determine the success of your campaign at the end of the day.

Choosing Your Keywords

With millions of searches being conducted around the world at any given minute, the possible keywords up for selection is endless. How then do you decide on what to use? Google AdWords Keyword Tool is a great way to get to the bottom of this problem. It gives you all the information you will require in order to make an informed decision about what keyword phrases to bid for.

The first step would be to think about your product or service and then, from a user's perspective, think about what they would search for if they wanted your product or service. Enter in a keyword phrase and then see what results the Keyword Tool gives you.

You will be able to see the popularity of the keyword, how much it will earn you and how many searches were conducted using that specific keyword over a given period of time. By playing around with the word combination, you will be able to find one that best suits you. For instance, if you are a used cars retailer, "used cars" might be the first keyword phrase that comes to mind. However, you might find that refining that to "buy used cars" or even "used cars online" will give you better results.

Benefits Of Google AdWords

It is one of the most affordable and powerful marketing tools in the world today. You will only have to pay for every person that clicks on your ad, which saves you money and increases your chances of converting clicks into sales.

You can easily track and monitor the progress of your campaigns. This aspect affords you the power of effective and constant ad management, which results in greater chances of success and also saves money in the long run.

Google is the leading search engine around the world and a brand that is established and trusted by all. This lends credibility to your business and does the hard work of winning the trust of potential customers.

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   Steps To Do Keyword Research   

How To Set Up Google Places for Local Business Owners

So you are a local business owner looking to start with internet marketing services for your business.

One of the best places to start is by using local business directory websites such as Google local, Yahoo local, Bing local, Superpages, Yellowpages, Foursquare, 411, mapquest,, MerchantCircle.... to name a few of the top local business listing websites and local business website services.

As Google controls about 65% of all search, Google local is perhaps the best place to start, second being Yahoo local, third being Bing local. These local business listing websites on search engines and mobile search engines can have a tremendous impact on most local business owners bottom line if the submission process is executed properly.

Now if you are a business owner and think that you have no need for using these local business directory websites, you are sadly mistaken, and we can prove it. Simply search in Google, a keyword pertaining to your business along with the area you are in- I.e- "NYC carpenters". You should see numerous local listings search results for just about any service or business in a specific area. By performing a simple search, you should see that your competitors are already using Google local maps for their business and possibly the paid Google local pay per click service for Google maps business listings.

Local Google Listing Tips For Business Owners -

First and foremost, keep keywords in title, description, and anywhere else keywords could be used that pertain to your business and also the area your business services - I.e"NYC carpentry" add all pertinent information- categories of industry, keywords, store hours, brands/products,main services add videos add pictures,logo tracking 1-800 phone number Add offers and coupons frequently to your listings

Google Local Business Listing Services

Once you have added all relevant information to your businesses Google maps listing, you will be asked to confirm all information of the listing. Once you have confirmed your business information, you will be asked how you want to confirm your Google maps business listing with Google for final approval. There are generally two options, one being a postcard, which is sent out by Google to your business address. On this postcard is a special pin number that you will need to enter into your Google maps business listing before Google lists your Google maps business listing in search engines and mobile search engines. The other option for final confirmation of your local Google business listing is by confirming by phone/mobile phone. This method works similar to the first option, meaning you select the "phone confirmation" option, Google then calls the business phone number entered in your Google business listing dashboard with a pin number, you then simply enter this pin number in the input field on the same page you selected the phone confirmation option.

After your Google listing is confirmed, your local business listing should be live within 24-48 hours.

Does this sound a little to confusing for you? If so,you could use a Google local business listing service or a Google Maps listing service to get this type of internet marketing completed for your business.

Local Business Marketing and Local Advertising Online

It is highly recommended that your business not only uses local business directory websites, but also other forms of organic search engine marketing services and internet marketing services. By doing so, your business would receive more exposure to its storefront, website, local online business listings, social media profiles, and content and media sites. Effectively using internet marketing services and mobile marketing services can ultimately provide more traffic, exposure, phone calls, leads, and sales for your business.

The question you need to ask yourself is- Can your business afford NOT to use internet marketing and internet advertising services, mobile marketing and mobile advertising services, and local internet marketing services?

We will leave it you, your business, and your main competition...

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   Three Key Questions Before Starting Your Social Media Campaigns   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   

Good and Quality Content Always Attracts Automatic Visitors

If you save some money in a bank, it will earn you continues income without further savings. Content of a website is like that of a savings in a bank. If you consider the inflation of money over time, then you will say that the quality content is better than the savings in a bank.

When we talk about the contents of a website or say an article, what is the most important issue?

The answer is obviously the quality, the quality and the quality.

How can we ensure the quality content of an article?

In answer, you will find that there is no short-cut way to create quality and good content. What you will have to do is paying close concentration on the subject you are writing about. Continues endeavor will help you create a quality article. This is not so tough job as you are thinking. Just pay close attention to your surroundings, you will find an issue in which people may have interest. Once you have selected a topic people interested in, the next step will be to gather the required information about it.

Yes, information collection is the most important step in the quality writing process. For this, one suggestion is, you always carry a notebook with you to take the point you find on the way of your walkway. You may talk to the people about the issue. People are the right source of your information as they are the ultimate destination you are looking for. When you ask people about your selected topic, they will speak about it; you will find the way they term it. Take the note the words they use for the topic, because you have to use the keywords people like the most. Try to talk to as many people as you can.

Another source of your information is the news on various media. It might be Electronic or Web. Always try to keep yourself conscious about what is happening in the world. If you keep your eyes on TV, you will find lots of new ideas as well as the required information. Make it in your own way. If you browse the major news sites on the internet, you will also find the interested issues people are looking for. The internet is a vast source of information. Try to use it for your convenience.

Always keep in mind that you should not just copy and paste the information from the internet or any other sources. You make it in your own way. Plagiarism is not the accepted way of writing your article. Content with copy and paste will not yield the targeted goal. Objective backed by endeavor is achieved.

What are the outcomes of quality content?

The outcome of quality content will never end. Take an example of a quality departmental store. Once you are accustomed to the service of a departmental store, you will naturally go there for your shopping. Likewise, if you provide quality content in your website or in your article, and visitors view it, they will visit again and again. Because, they know that your site provides rich information.

At the initial stage, you will have to make some effort. When you will succeed in gaining visitors to your site or articles, you surely will enjoy it.

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   Steps To Do Keyword Research   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   Keyword Article Marketing 101   

How To Use Keywords While Writing Content For SEO

Starting a website might be easy, but achieving higher-ranking status from the search engines and maintaining that position is not an easy task. The position of any website depends on the type of SEO content it has. It has been seen that many sites lost their rankings and eventually petered out because of certain loopholes in their content. Writing content for SEO is quite different from ordinary writing. You must consider the proper usage of keywords, maintain originality, update the content regularly, and be informative. Only when the internet users find the content interesting and concrete will they visit the site often. This in turn will drive in maximum traffic to the site.

Content writing for SEO is based on the appropriate use and placement of keywords. If you are planning to create content for your website, do thorough research about the keywords. You can take help of tools like the GoodKeywords or Wordtracker. Following this process, you can gain some knowledge about the relevant keywords or those used frequently for searching. After you select your keywords, conduct a search and see the number of websites the search engines display once you type those keywords. It is always better to be aware of the competition your website will face after you create the SEO content.

While writing content for SEO avoid over-stuffing the content with the same keywords. Earlier, a few incompetent content writers believed that the excessive use of the same keyword would help in achieving higher ranking and drive in good traffic. However, things have changed with the passage of time. Search engines abide by certain algorithms, which can easily mark this erroneous method and your site is right away penalized. Instead of general keywords, try to use keyword phrases that will preferably drive in more traffic. If the content for SEO contains many different keywords, it might hamper both the ranking as well as the traffic of the website. Always separate the keywords with a comma. Without the comma, the different keywords will be marked as a lengthy phrase by the search engine.

The content for SEO is appreciated and well read by the users only when the keywords are placed at important places and that too based on a specific density. A talented writer picks the appropriate keywords that suit the content. It can be said that content writing for SEO is an easy as well as difficult task. If you fail to abide by the particular norms, soon the ranking of your website is affected. You should be professional and create an exclusive and unique content that will attract more and more visitors to click to the site of yours.

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   Steps To Do Keyword Research   

The Advantages of Local Search Marketing

Local search marketing is about getting a business good exposure in local search results and local directories and there's a lot to gain by being prominent in these. Most consumers like buying from businesses close to home: I've seen statistics that about 80% of customers live with 8km of the stores they go to. Search engines are now detecting searches that have a local intention and displaying the local results along with a map. This makes it far easier for consumers to find what they're looking for and how to travel to the business as well. Local directories can also bring businesses good exposure.

You can create an account pretty easily with most online directories. In Australia the best known ones are True Local, Smart Local and Hotfrog. Google, Yahoo and Bing also allow you to claim a "Places" page where you can upload your business details, and these are used as the basis for ranking you in the local search results. You don't need to have a website to be listed in any of these. The Places pages are free and an entry-level listing in the local directories is also free.

How are the Yellow pages going?

Not too well from reports I see. The physical yellow pages have been pretty-much replaced by smart-phone and desktop searches. And Yellow pages listings don't provide nearly as much info. Even online, directories like Hotfrog will tell you far more about the businesses you find.

Search engines have fast become the new Yellow pages, saving people a lot of time and energy looking for the location of businesses and the products and services they provide.

What should you do?

We know that masses of consumers are searching online for solutions to their problems, so marketing online is a different technique to marketing offline. Rather than sending out a message indiscriminately using fliers, billboards or radio and TV commercials, the game has become getting found by people who are specifically searching for what you provide. So you need to make sure you can be found in the places they're looking...

These are the examples of places which you can input your ads for your business

1) Local search engine results. you need to claim a places page with each search engine. 2) Local business directories 3) Review websites 4) Online Press release website 5) Online trade magazines that your type of customer may read

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   Steps To Do Keyword Research   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   

Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization

This article focuses on the benefits of local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and compares it to SEO on a larger scale, perhaps like what big brand names have to engage in.

Search Optimization is effective, but it is more so effective for a local business because of the limitation in the area of service.

With local SEO, you can ensure that your business targets a very specific group of customers that are within the vicinity of your local business.

Search Engine Optimization Definition

Search Engine Optimization, also referred to as SEO, search optimization and website optimization is the practice of "optimizing" a website property so that it is found on search engine search results when individuals type in keywords and phrases that are relevant to the web property's subject matter.

In other words, it is how websites attract targeted and relevant traffic from all those who are searching for it.

Application of SEO Strategies - On Page and Off Page SEO

SEO is executed in two ways, on page and off page. On page SEO refers to edits made to a web property's physical features such as the website's title, description, keyword, body content, sub headings, links as well as the code (meta tags) that is not visible to the naked human eye.

Off page SEO strategies involve link building, social bookmarking, social sharing, video marketing, blogging, commenting on forums, and pretty much anything else that does not impact the physical website itself.

The internet works on the basis of keyword uses. When someone searches for particular keywords, search engines do their best to provide an exact match that would satisfy the search query. The better and more targeted this exchange becomes, the more a search engine's credibility increases and the more users continue to use it.

Keyword Research - Critical Pillar of SEO - Gauging Supply and and Demand Measures

Keyword research is critical to SEO, and is the first step that needs to be executed to engage in effective SEO. Without proper on page SEO, all off page SEO efforts are temporary and short term in nature. In other words, before going out there and investing in internet marketing, one has to make sure their website is sound fundamentally.

Get your house in order before you start marketing it and bringing guests in. Without a properly structured website using the relevant and appropriate keywords, marketing efforts will not be as effective, and will completely die off if one was to stop investing in them on an ongoing basis.

Because the internet works on the basis of keywords, it is important to understand what keywords people are searching for in your industry or niche. The amount of searches conducted on the internet for a particular keyword is referred to as the keyword's demand. The supply on the other hand measures all the outstanding websites on the internet that are competing for that keyword.

As you can imagine, a healthy balance of high demand and low supply is what you want when selecting the keywords to target in your business. It does not make sense targeting search terms that no one is searching for. At the same time, it is not smart trying to outrank websites that are ranking for super competitive keywords. It is possible and we have done it repeatedly, however it takes more time and resources.

Benefits of Local SEO - Separate Yourself from the Rest

Given keyword research is critical and the basis of effective SEO and thus website performance, local SEO narrows your playing field significantly. For example, if a local state based SEO firm was to cater to the entire Nation or world, then a State specific name wouldn't be appropriate. But because the firm mainly operates in the State itself, then a name that reflects its locality makes most sense for the business.

Why? Remember I talked about supply and demand above. Do you think there is more or less supply of SEO firms in the State relative to the entire country? By targeting a narrow or small geographical area, the business is inherently limiting the competitive landscape and giving itself the best opportunity to shine as the best internet marketing company in the State in which it operates. This is increasing the odds of ranking high above the competition on search engines when people in the local area are searching for a local SEO firm within the State itself.

Local SEO has several other advantages. For example, I know for a fact that not every small local business in your area is leveraging the power of SEO, therefore you have a high likelihood of outranking them and therefore attracting more business through your online marketing initiatives.

Can there be a conflict of interest on the business' part? There can, and that's why the business should only take up one client in one industry in one city. For example, the firm should not perform SEO work for two dentists who are both located in Irving, Texas unless of course they want to be found for different key terms. There are sub specialties within dentistry. One might be a general dentist while the other may be a specialist in dental cosmetic surgery. You can just see how local SEO will come into play here.

What I always say is "What Good is your Good Looking & Expensive website when No One can see It?" Therefore, it is best to apply local SEO to get more visibility and attract more business.

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   Steps To Do Keyword Research   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   Keyword Article Marketing 101   

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